Wednesday, September 9, 2009

just keep swimming

It's been a busy past few days. Today I secured our Certificate of Occupancy, after a 2 hour wait at the county clerks office. Tomorrow will be our first inspection. The clerk explained that it would be a quick one, just checking safety, plumbing and electrical issues. I believe there will be a second inspection when we get the fixtures set, as I have been told that they will require a fire hydrant and a lit exit sign. Our place is only 300 square feet, so I have a hard time imagining anyone would need to know where the exit is..oh the workings of permits! We will see what will happen after tomorrow.

Yesterday we took a day off of working. C has been working 7 days on, since there has been a shift change at his job. He works graveyard shift, which means he has been working all night, coming home and sleeping aprox. 5 hours then going to the shop and painting. He was exhausted yesterday, and I had a raging migraine, so we called off for the day. It was nice even tho' my headache was pounding until 8pm. C managed to make some sketches and do the measuring for our shelving, and we have decided to use sheets of particle wood to make them and the display tables. We should be starting on them this Friday, after the last of the paint goes up.

Tonite Chris, our neighbor and friend, came over and lent us his scaffolding and paint gun. He is a local artist that has been commissioned to do many murals in the area as well as in Las Vegas for some of the casinos. He is HELLA talented! Well, he thought the moulding on the ceiling might look better with some copper highlights over the yellow that was already there, and that if we chose that it would take less time and effort than painting with a base coat and changing completely. Well, Chris got started and didn't stop till it was all done! What a blessing! So now all we have to do is the wall, and the back door.

On a side note, today we were in a minor fender bender. Everyone is ok, it just happened in a parking lot, so there was not alot of speed involved, (thank goodness) so everything is ok. I guess I kind of felt like something had to happen. I am not letting it get to me. We are on such a good roll now. I'm not saying I don't have my moment of complete and total fear and anxiety, but right now the good is totally outweighing the bad. I am having fun, even though I am very nervous. It just feels like a giant rollercoaster..My arms are up and I'm waiting for that delicious release!

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